STEM, STEAM, Make, Dream:
Reimagining the Culture of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
STEM, STEAM, Make, Dream explores the ways that science, technology, engineering, and mathematics can transform all young people’s lives through learning. This includes reimagining our collective relationship to STEM by presenting it as more accepting and accessible than previously acknowledged. Beginning with the ways that STEM has been used to marginalize many children, the book examines the need for the arts – including culture – to serve as an anchor for instruction. It also describes the need for “making” (hands-on creation and tinkering) in establishing relevance in learning. Then, through an experiential approach, the book articulates the value of dreaming of a future that is inclusive of all young people, especially those furthest from opportunity.

Ratchetdemic: Reimagining Academic Success
A revolutionary new educational model that encourages educators to provide spaces for students to display their academic brilliance without sacrificing their identities.
Building on the ideas introduced in his New York Times best-selling book, For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood, Christopher Emdin introduces an alternative educational model that will help students (and teachers) celebrate ratchet identity in the classroom. Ratchetdemic advocates for a new kind of student identity—one that bridges the seemingly disparate worlds of the ivory tower and the urban classroom.

For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood…
and the Rest of Y’all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education
Drawing on his own experience of feeling undervalued and invisible in classrooms as a young man of color and merging his experiences with more than a decade of teaching and researching in urban America, award-winning educator Christopher Emdin offers a new lens on an approach to teaching and learning in urban schools. For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood…and the Rest of Y’all Too is the much-needed antidote to traditional top-down pedagogy and promises to radically reframe the landscape of urban education for the better.

Urban Science Education for the Hip-Hop Generation
(Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Science Education)
Urban Science Education for the Hip-Hop Generation is rooted in Dr. Emdin’s experiences as student, teacher, administrator, and researcher in urban schools and the deep relationship between hip-hop culture and science that he discovered at every stage of his academic and professional journey. The book utilizes autobiography, outcomes of research studies, theoretical explorations, and accounts of students’ experiences in schools to shed light on the causes for the lack of educational achievement of urban youth from the hip-hop generation.

Between the World and the Urban Classroom
(Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education)
Borrowing from the ideas of John Dewey, schools and classrooms are a reflection of the world; therefore, in order to make sense of the urban classroom, we need to make sense of the world. In this book, the editors have compiled a collection of nine critical essays, or chapters, each examining a particular contemporary national and/or international event. The essays each undertake an explicit approach to naming oppression and addressing it in the context of urban schooling. Each essay has a two-fold purpose. The first purpose is to help readers

#HipHopEd: The Compilation on Hip-hop Education (Revolutionizing Urban Education) (Revolutionizing Urban Education: Hip-hop, Pedagogy, and Communities)
The first volume of #HipHopEd: The Compilation on Hip-hop Education brings together veteran and emerging scholars, practitioners and students from a variety of fields to share their research and experiences as it relates to the use of hip-hop in educational spaces. This text extends the current literature on hip-hop and education and focuses on the philosophy of hip-hop and education, the impact that hip-hop culture has on the identity of educators, and the use of hip-hop to inform mental health practices. Through their personal and practical experiences, authors of this text will spark new and creative uses of hip-hop culture in educational spaces.